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inFlow Inventory Migration

Setting up your inFlow Inventory with Easy Insight

Are you getting a new inFlow Inventory implementation up and going? You can use Easy Insight to help! There are two main things you can do to help your new implementation succeed:

Pulling in Historical Sales Data

You can use Easy Insight as a repository for your historical sales data, then create reports that combine that historical sales data with your ongoing inFlow Inventory data.

First, you'll need to have your connection to inFlow Inventory created. Next, go to the Excel/CSV Connection. If you have the connection to inFlow Inventory installed, you'll be given a prompt with the option of 'Does this upload contain historical sales data that you want to pull into your existing inFlow Inventory Systems connection?':

Go ahead and select this option, then look through the list of fields in the upload to make sure they have the right type selected. If the field is any sort of text field, you'll want to make sure it's a Grouping. For example, double check that phone numbers, zip codes, order numbers, and SKUs are all coming through appropriately as Groupings, not Measures. Once you're verified everything, click Create Data Source.

After Easy Insight finishes processing your data, you'll be redirected to the Historical Data Setup page for your inFlow Inventory systems data source. Go through and choose the mapping of fields from your Excel/CSV data. For historical sales data, the followings mapping exists:

Tab Dashboard Image
  • Historical SO Number - the Sales Order number
  • Historical SO Date - the Sales Order date
  • Historical Invoice Number - the Invoice number
  • Historical Invoice Date - the Invoice Date
  • Historical Invoice Customer - the Customer name
  • Historical Invoice Email - the Customer email
  • Historical Invoice SKU - the SKU in the order line
  • Historical Invoice Quantity - the quantity in the order line
  • Historical Invoice Price - the unit price
  • Historical Invoice Total - the total price of the order line without tax
  • Historical Invoice Balance - any outstanding balance on the order line
  • Historical Invoice Rep - the sales representative for the order
  • Historical Invoice Channel - the sales channel of the order
  • Historical Invoice Type - the order type, such as differentiating between invoices and credit notes
  • Historical Invoice Reference - typically the order number will go into this field as well, used to map in the e-commerce order number for matching

You only have to map the fields that exist in your data. For example, if you have only have an Order Number and not an Invoice Number, Easy Insight will automatically default to using Order Number.

Once you've finished mapping fields, go ahead and save. It'll take a couple of minutes for Easy Insight to internally update caches. Once caches are updated, you can view your prebuilt dashboard or other reports again. In particular, the Product Analysis report for inventory forecasting will be updated to include the history from the sales side so that your replenishment planning can have an accurate view on daily or monthly demand and remaining days of stock. The Customer reports are updated to have accurate lifetime customer value and to list all orders for the customer across historical and inFlow Inventory data. If you're using dashboard links, the dashboard link showing that customer's data will automatically updated so that your sales team can click from their CRM into the full list of orders.

If you need to make advanced tweaks to the data, you can edit the Historical Invoices report under Calculation Reports to add any additional appropriate handling to the data.

Populating History From E-Commerce Channels

If you're setting up a new inFlow Inventory in a situation where you maybe didn't have an inventory system previously, but do have existing data on Shopify, Amazon, and other systems, you can use Easy Insight to load in the data from those e-commerce channels to help you do trend analysis, forecasting, and other reports right out of the gate.

First, you'll want to connect your e-commerce channels to Easy Insight. We currently support the following e-commerce integrations:

  • Amazon SellerCentral
  • BigCommerce
  • Etsy
  • NewEgg
  • Shopify
  • Takealot
  • The Iconic
  • Walmart
  • WooCommerce

If you have multiple stores, you'll want to make sure each data source is uniquely named before you proceed. Shopify connections automatically include the store name as part of their data source name, but for other channels, you'll want to rename to Amazon - Store1, Amazon - Store 2, and so on.

Once you have your e-commerce connections created and once you have your new inFlow Inventory connection set up, go to the data source page for your inFlow connection. Click on the Inventory tab and click on E-Commerce History:

E-Commerce History Setup

You'll see the list of connected channels. Click on 'Add Historical Channel Sales' to connect the history: It'll take a bit, but after it finishes, it'll pull that history through. After pulling through this history, you'll see it come through into your inFlow Inventory dashboards and reports. For example, looking at Trends:

E-Commerce History Channels

It'll take a bit, but after it finishes, it'll pull that history through. After pulling through this history, you'll see it come through into your inFlow Inventory dashboards and reports. For example, looking at Trends:

E-Commerce History Trend Report

Or looking at forecasting:

E-Commerce History Forecasting

By default, it sets a history cutoff date of today on the report feeding this through data so that it won't duplicate data. If you need to change this date, you can go to the eCommerce Sales History report under the eCommerce History data source. By default, this data source is hidden, so you'll need to click on Options on the data source list and choose 'Show All Data Sources'. From the report, change the date filter there on eCommerce Order Date:

E-Commerce History Date Cutoff
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