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Embedding Reports and Dashboards into External Systems

From your report or dashboard, click on Export, then Embed. From this window, you can customize the embedding options and copy the resulting HTML code to add the report or dashboard as an IFrame for use on your website.
Public Visibility
You may not want to force users to log in via Easy Insight credentials to view an embedded report. By saving the report or dashboard as "Publicly Visible" through the report or dashboard properties, the user will be able to view the report or dashboard without having to log into the iframe.
Publicly Visible with Key
A further refinement on the above is that you can set up the same report with different keys so that the subset of information shown in the report will match the data level security settings of a particular user. For example, you might embed with Javascript customizing the report display on your display to show data with one key for one user and with another key for another user, ensuring the different users see different data, all without logging in.
Using API and Publicly Visible with Key

You can use the Easy Insight API and the Publicly Visible with Key setting to display a dashboard specific to a user without requiring the user to log in. The general flow will be as follows:

  • Authenticate the user on your platform
  • Make an API call to the User Keys endpoint on Easy Insight, passing in the user's email address and the target dashboard ID
  • Take the returned URL from the API call and embed an iframe around that URL, return the document with the iframe to the user

First, you'll need to create a user matching the

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