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Styling Reports

How do I adjust the look and feel of reports in Easy Insight?
On all report types, you can access the color scheme by clicking on Configuration -> Report Properties -> Color Scheme from the report editor. When you first come to this page, you'll find that the report scheme options are disabled and an option of "Primary" is instead selected. This "Primary" color scheme refers back to the colors defined under Account Skin under the Account page. In general, if you want to tweak the colors used in your reports, you'll want to make those changes at the Account Skin level if possible. If you do want to customize a specific report's color scheme, you can change from Primary to None and make adjustments.
How do I change the account skin?
Click on your username in the upper right, click on Account Settings, and click on Account Skin. Here, you can choose the text, background, summary, and chart colors used in the various report types in a centralized location. For more information, see the Color Scheme documentation.
How do I change additional look and feel properties?
Under the same Configuration -> Report Properties, you'll find additional sections of configuration for report specific properties that aren't centralized into the account skin. These properties are documented for their respective types under Report Types.
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