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Multi Field Choice Filters

You can use multi field choice filters to allow users to choose which fields they want to display on a table. For example, the below inventory report has a large number of possible columns. At any given point, the user might want to see a subset of these columns to make the report more manageable:

Multi Value Filter

First, click on Create Filter, Advanced Options, and Multi Field Choice Filter:

Multi Value Filter

When you View the report or look at the report in a dashboard, you can clicks on the filter name to include or exclude any fields in the report:

Multi Value Filter

You can set fields to default to hidden when the report is loaded by clicking on the field name in the report and choosing 'Default Column to Hidden':

Multi Value Filter

You can also set fields as always showing and not coming up in the list of include/exclude by clicking on the field name in the report and choosing 'Column Can't Be Hidden'.

Multi Value Filter
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