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Google Analytics Dashboard

Google Analytics Business Intelligence Made Easy.

Easy Data Exploration

The combination of Easy Insight and Google Analytics gives you the ability to easily apply sophisticated analytics to your website data. Drag and drop report creation lets you quickly find and build up the views you want. You can easily slice and dice data through Easy Insight's robust filtering capabilities, finding meaningful insights within your visitor traffic, your advertising efforts, and everything else offered by Google Analytics. You can take advantage of reports built by other users in the community to quickly find whole new angles on your web data.

Combined Insight

Getting a full picture of your web presence takes more than looking at who's visited your site. Easy Insight gives you the ability to visualize that full picture by letting you extend your reports with data from other sources. Have application data powering the rest of your website, like internal information about users? Use the Easy Insight database solution to make queries against that relational data and combine that data with your web traffic data to build out that full picture.

Improve your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Plot out your sales and marketing strategy in Easy Insight through KPI trees. These trees enable you to define high level goals like 'Increase paying conversion rate', then map those goals into progressively more and more granular objectives. You can tie these objectives to your data from Google Analytics, your CRM tool of choice, and whatever else may be needed, to create a full view of your sales and marketing activity, helping to guide successful campaigns. Make sure that you're applying the lessons from your insights correctly, to drive continuous business improvement towards more deals, more revenue, and more success!

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